How We See Color
2023-11-26 18:42 How We See Color   Have you ever wondered “how do we see colour?” Well, light enables us to see things, and colour is a property of light. We can see objects around us based on reflected light. Let'...
Visual Communication
2023-11-26 18:40 Visual Communication   In order to understand visual communication, we must first learn what it means to communicate. Communication is about transmitting information. The communication process usual...
Tertiary Colors
2023-11-26 18:38 Tertiary Colors   What are the tertiary colours?  The tertiary colours are often referred to as intermediate colours. Tertiary colours are made by mixing a primary colour with a secondary. There are...
Aerial Perspective
2023-11-26 18:36 Aerial Perspective   The presence of moisture, dust, smoke, etc in the air scatters light, causing far objects to appear lighter, duller and have less detail. In art this is known as aerial perspect...